الخميس، 28 مارس 2019

Sports is not only to fill the leisure time
can be reached a firm conviction, namely that sports have to do with politics and development. For example, the national anthem is delivered at the first of each game, and the heads of state are interested in sports teams. The sport has a national momentum for all patriotic sentiments. The idea of ​​football, for example, evokes national and national feelings, showing the solidarity of people and their love for the country. Winning and defeating affect the feelings and relations between countries and the morale of athletes and citizens.
The failure in sports battles is under failure in the arena of public life, such as failure in military battles and diplomatic battles, political and economic. One of the main causes of this failure is the underdevelopment of sport.

The difference between developed and developing countries is great. The gap is widening. Catching up is almost impossible unless we change many of our things, our behavior and our actions in every aspect of our life, sports and youth. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "Allaah does not change what a people has until they change what is in themselves." The factors of progress in the sport sector are clear and well known among specialists in development studies.

- Develop future strategies for sport development and goal setting.

- Proper planning and pre-programming of youth and sports projects according to the general and specific strategies and objectives.
- Reform of sports management and good organization.
- Monitoring and evaluation of performance and control.
- Moral and physical incentives for national sports teams.

- Involvement of the private sector in the management of sports and youth projects with economic profitability.
The measure of mathematical progress is the high standard of living, the level of income, education and health, the increase in GDP, industrial production and technical progress. If we go back to failure in sports, we find a reflection of these reasons, such as bad planning and management, disorder in the organization and lack of training.

In other words, lack of good preparation for athletes, lack of interest, and the health of members of sports teams, and not allow them to professional training and global experience. The preparation of buildings and the construction of facilities is not meant to be important. It is an important and vital factor for good preparation; however, human preparation and the preparation of qualified and trained personnel to meet any team and the preparation of technical management trained and specialized only in sports affairs.

The most important solutions in my opinion is the development of sports in our country and win the victory in the coming sports battles, is the privatization of sports clubs and the exclusion of government intervention in the affairs of sport except through supervision and guidance, leaving the management process and funding for the private sector, and planning and organization of sports and youth after the development of a strategy and general objectives and specific .

The most difficult thing for our sports community is the lack of clear strategy and specific goals, which we seek to achieve from the reality of sport and its contemporary in all stages as a player and administrative and a teacher and teacher.

To have a personal experience, I think it is necessary to be a way to reach a better sport that not only practices but also achieves achievements.

The objective is to build a strategy for sport by achieving the sub-goals based on the recognition of the reality of sport and identify the appropriate frameworks in terms of what, objectives, managers, programs, follow-up and evaluation, and the development of the organizational structure in line with the proposed sports reality and strategy.

I wonder here: Can we provide a realistic survey of the state of sport? Does the study of reality lead to the possibility of defining the strategy?

There are several projects to achieve the objectives:

- A national sports conference to present the strategy.
- Urging various media to identify the strategy and support a national project for sports reform.

- Preparation of the means of selection and selection for the field of research.
- The national project for talented, elite and buds.
National Project for Sports Reform.
- Sports for all.
- Forming scientific committees specialized in sports and youth.
- Specialized schools mathematically.
- Providing technical training requirements for games and competitions.
- Interest in women's sports.
- Developing legislation, regulations and sports laws.
Marketing & Sports Finance.
- Provision of budgets for sports activities.

Hence the following conclusions can be drawn:

- There should be a philosophical formulation of the school sport that shows the importance and place of physical education as an educational method that has a health value, and derives its goals from the supreme goals of the state, so that it is an essential part of the educational system and providing all the material and human resources to it.

- "Sport for all" is of particular importance, with a focus on all categories of society from childhood to old age, for both sexes, the healthy and the disabled, and the importance of the role of the media in highlighting this.

- Competitive sport is linked to the values ​​of the state and its highest goals in order to achieve the athletes healthy sports climate, while avoiding all that has a negative impact on athletes, in particular the use of stimulants, so that the competition in a moral framework, while preserving the health of athletes from doping damage.

- The need to adopt the Olympic Committee to achieve the goals of the state to promote sport in accordance with scientific programs codified by the sports federations, with the need to provide financial budgets for the implementation of these programs.

- The need to focus on the use of scientificassessment of the performance of national players and teams.

- The need to establish specialized sports schools, to select the best elements from the youth, and to provide the scientific educational environment in accordance with scientific plans to achieve the goals.

Based on the previous conclusions, we find that sport is not only to fill the free time, and that we need to activate the role of the state towards improving the level of sports in the areas of competitiveness and school and sports for all in various forums and in the direction of the state towards a comprehensive amendment to the laws of sports,

- Spreading "sport for all" at the geographical level to include all regions of the country, and at the human level, to include all groups of society of children, young people, the elderly, the healthy and the disabled of both sexes.

- Setting up an organizational structure that includes different departments to organize "Sport for All" programs at all ages, for both sexes, for the healthy and the disabled.

- Stimulating workers in the development of "sport for all" and citizens to push them to practice "sport for all".

- Developing the organizational structure of the youth and sports sector in order to achieve the development of school sport, and using modern methods of science in the evaluation of all different aspects.

- Focus on the basic principles of the administrative management component to clarify the scope of work and balance between responsibilities and authorities.

- Cooperation and coordination with all other institutions working with youth to provide the best conditions for the development of sport competitions.

- The philosophy of physical education, whether school or sports, for all or competitiveness, should derive its basic sources from the values, traditions, customs and heritage of society and from the official constitution of the state.

- Providing the trained and material human resources in the form of devices, tools and playgrounds to allow the opportunity to practice sound sports in a safe environment.

- The opportunity for the largest number of members of the community to participate in "sport for all" activities using various activities commensurate with the potential of individuals according to their physical and health potential.
- Emphasizing adherence to ethical values ​​by avoiding the use of stimulants to try to win non-Sharif, and the achievement of mathematical gains deceptive and temporary quickly lead to serious damage reflected the effects on the health of athletes.

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Sports is not only to fill the leisure time can be reached a firm conviction, namely that sports have to do with politics and development....